KINESIOL 2E03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Iliac Crest, Latissimus Dorsi Muscle, Thoracolumbar Fascia

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Vertebral part: spinous processes of t7-t12 vertebrae thoracolumbar fascia of spinous processes of all lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum. Iliac part: posterior third of the iliac crest. Crest of the lesser tuberosity (anterior view) of the humerus. Action: medial rotation of the gh joint adduction of the gh joint extension of the gh joint forceful expiration such as coughing. Sternocostal part: sternum and the 2nd - 6th costal cartilages. Insertion: crest of the greater tuberosity of the humerous. Action: flexion of the gh joint flexion of the elbow supination of the radio-ulnar joints long head abducts the gh joint when the gh joint is laterally rotated 90 . Triceps brachii (1) (except the lateral head) (pg. Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula medial head: posterior surface of the humerus, distal to the radial groove lateral intermuscular septum. Action: extension of the elbow long head extends gh joint long head assits with gh joint adduction.