KINESIOL 2Y03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Perineurium, Sciatic Nerve, Cervical Vertebrae

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Hypo = interior and anterior to thalamus. Epi = posterior w superior portions to thalamus. Contains stalks called infundibulum connecting the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland: made up of white matter + connective tissue. Hypothalamus contains multiple nuclei (12+) involved in homeostasis. Some involved in autonomic that controls heart rate and blood pressure. Neural connections so close, if one part is stimulated will stimulate other parts. Made up of two regions: habenular that contains the habenular nuclei. Taking in a smell and producing an emotional response or visceral (internal changes like heart rate and respirational: pineal gland. Largest portion of the brain conscious and intellectual functions. 3 general regions of matter: outer grey matter cerebral cortex, deep clusters of nuclei grey matter. In between the cerebral cortex and nuclei white matter called the cerebral medualla. All mylenated axons that connect to different regions of the grey matter. Space on the inside region of cerebrum = cavities called ventricles.