[LABRST 2A03] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Organization you belong to if your a union member. Evolution: how unions and structures evolve, seiu heath care unions started organizing the food processing b/c they wanna organize what effects there work. Organizing: unions depend on trying to organize new members, rely on parent to organize, they have organizing fund, sometimes is local more aggressive and sometimes parent about organizing. Large locals: sometimes they acts parent unions, sciu health care has become own parent union b/c have gotten so big. Disaffiliation: leave parent unions, no longer affiliate, rare, maybe 10 unions a year often political reasons, long hard process, often go to other union. Raiding: leave parent unions, one parent union go after locals of another union, worse over last 20 years, losing membership in things like steel etc. Canadian labour congress (clc: little smaller than afl, but doesn"t want that to be said. Provincial bodies: ontario federation of labour ofl, quebec, qfl, csn confederation des syndicats nationeaux.