LABRST 1C03 : Labour Studies-January 10, 2014.docx

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16 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Theories of work and labour i: opening thoughts, basic concepts, functions (what type of function does the job provide?) Manifest functions (primary answer: compensation, money/monetary. Things that come with the nature of doing the job. Ex: challenging work, independence, creativity, variation of work, sense of accomplishment, social relationships (do you like the people you work with?: extrinsic. Things that come along with the job. Allow you to get ahead in your career. Men tend to focus on extrinsic and women on intrinsic. Respect authority and do what they are told to do. Want to get along with colleagues and authority. Can be seen as the suck-ups" because they want to get in good terms with the boss. Are happy to have the particular job. Tend to not recognize the risks in a job (boss asked to do it so it should be ok) See the first job as a first step. Respect for job and desire to perform well.