LIFESCI 2D03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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Behaviour any internally coordinated, externally visible pattern of activity that responds to changing external or internal conditions: ex. Ectotherms (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t regulate their o(cid:449)(cid:374) te(cid:373)perature depends on external temperature to maintain an appropriate body temperature: reliant on behaviour to control temperature. Internally coordinated = internal information-processing: vague context dependent, changes in sensory processing, endocrine changes, metabolic changes, anything with a chemical reaction within the body, ex. Caterpillar eating a leaf internal gi changes associated with hu(cid:374)ger sho(cid:449)s there"s internal information-processing; also seeking out food: context: sitting on top of a food source. Externally visible = observe + measure: how to measure is usually defined by the researcher, ex. How to measure aggressive behaviour of the giraffes count the number of aggressive encounters (specific position) in term of neck movements: ex. Caterpillar how often over the course of the day does it eat nibble on part of the leaf or look at large holes in the leaves.