MUSIC 1A03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Star-Spangled Banner, Virga, Tempo

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17 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Concepts: a series of musical notes designed to be sung or played in succession, conjunct: a smooth, connected melody that moves principally by small intervals. E. g. ode to joy: disjunct: a disjoint or disconnected melody with many leaps. E. g. handel"s hallelujah chorus ( and he shall reign forever and ever ) E. g. star spangled banner: a succession of single pitches of tones perceived as meaningful unity, characteristics of melody, contour. Descending: notes going down (joy to the world) Arch: a melodic line that starts, goes up, and then comes down. Wave: goes up and down several times (greensleeves: range. Narrow: most pop or folk songs 5 notes easy to sing (mary had a little lamb) Test date: fri. oct. 3, 2014: a sequence of events in musical time, length/duration of indiv notes, w/e happens in real time in the foreground, particularly against the background (meter)