MUSIC 2MT3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Musicology

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Document Summary

Music therapy is a discipline in which credentialed professionals (mta*) use music purposefully within therapeutic relationships to support development, health, and well-being. Music therapy aims to develop potentials and/or restore functions of the individual so that he or she can achieve a better quality life through prevention, rehabilitation or treatment. The client does not need to have any background in music in order to receive music therapy. History: music has been connected to our health and well-being historically for a long time. Music therapy builds upon historical understanding of music and its effect on both the mind and body. Music therapy is practiced in 39 countries around the world and the places that it is most known in include europe, africa/south africa, singapore/china/korea, australia, and usa. There is also the world federation of music therapy. Music therapist has been a self-regulated profession in canada since 1974. The mtao, the music therapist association of ontario, is the provincial association for ontario.