PHYSICS 1D03 Final: Chapter Summaries

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PHYSICS 1D03 Full Course Notes
PHYSICS 1D03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Physics 1d03 notes for the term lecture and textbook. , directed towards the centre of the circle, always perpendicular to velocity, refers to uniform circular motion: net force (nii): amf c m. 1( t e bm / : model two: objects moving at high speeds through air, such as planes, cars, baseballs, , where d is the drag coefficient (value of about. 0: an object moving through a liquid or gas experiences a speed-dependant resistive force. This resistive force is in a direction opposite that of the velocity of the object relative to the medium and generally increases with speed. The magnitude of the resistive force depends on the object"s size and shape and on the properties of the medium through which the object is moving. In the limiting case for a falling object, when the magnitude of the resistive force equals the object"s weight, the object reaches its terminal speed composed remains constant.