PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kurt Koffka, Hermann Ebbinghaus, Structural Anthropology

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13 Nov 2016

Document Summary

It is the science of the mind and behavior ( for memory its referring to mental processes and subjective experiences that make up your sensations, perceptions, memories, thoughts, motives, and emotions). For behavior its referring to all observable actions. Use scientific method to : - describe processes of mind and behavior. Predict how these will be affected by different conditions. Control and influence these processes in practical application understand the brain and nervous system through physiological tests of sensory mechanisms. 18th century, psych was described as the (cid:498)study of the mind(cid:499). Hermann ebbinghaus (cid:498)psych has a long past but only a short history(cid:499) Rene descartes suggested that the body and mind are separate and distinct entities that are causally linked. He believed the mind controlled the movements of the body, and received information from the outside world through sensory organs. Wundt opened up the first formal psychology laboratory at the university of.