PSYCH 2AA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Visual Acuity, Primitive Reflexes, Color Vision

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Taste: eats, smell: human milk, touch, hearing: When babies are distressed, they are easily soothed by music as opposed to the mother speaking to them: sound localization: environment. Being able to locate where the sound is coming from in your. Birth-1 month: orient to objects 60 degrees from midline. They can now discriminate within the side of their body as opposed to right/left. They can see black and white and red. The main thing that they are tracking is the mother"s face since they have a preference for that. In the experimental group, pregnant women drank carrot juice 4 times a week. In the control group, pregnant women drank water only. 4 weeks after they are introduced to solid food, the babies were presented with a cereal that was made with either water or carrot juice. When they were given a sweet taste, they made a pleasant face.