PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Long-Term Memory, Albert Bandura, Kenneth Spence

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Focus on the meaning of life/existence for the individual, and their unique perception and interpretation of the world. Are interested in assisting the individual in achieving wholeness. Avoid traditional reductionism (bits and pieces, sum = parts) Comparable to freud"s libido - moves people to do things. Different than animal instinctive needs; less dominating. Can be overlain by learning, cultural expectations, etc. It is wrong to only look at one side or aspect of a person. Psychoanalysts look only at the animalistic and negative side. Behaviourists look only at the external, environmental influences. Psychology of people is based too much on problems of unhealthy people, not enough on the normal, well adjusted mind. Appear late in development, or not at all. Lower needs must be at least partially satisfied before higher ones can emerge. All behaviour is overdetermined - driven by several or all of the basic needs.