PSYCH 2C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Motivated Reasoning, Binge Drinking

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Iv: situation (confederate is euphoric vs. angry: dv: emotion after. We feel psychologically uncomfortable when we see ourselves acting stupidly or immorally: this hurts our se we will do anything to protect it. Therefore, we engage in cognitive dissonance through attitude change or motivated reasoning. If we have self esteem threat (writing an essay against your opinions), but you don"t have physiological arousal (taken a placebo) A bully im not bullying because i"ll get in a lot of trouble (extreme punishment: vs. im not bullying because i am a good person (mild punishment) Study: source characteristics: medium where is it coming from, characteristic 1: credibility. Iv: source credibility; time since delivery of message: dv: amount of persuasion, high credibility: as time goes on, we forget, low credibility: forget where we learn information. Both result in moderate level of persuasion over time: sleeper effect, the longer something is in your memory, you can convince someone.