PSYCH 2C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fidel Castro, Fundamental Attribution Error, Social Comparison Theory

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For the choice category, because they felt they must agree with the law considering they had a choice and still wrote about it. There was no change in positivity of attitude for the no choice group. Experiment 1 flyers on cars: ciadini et al field experiment, conformity and littering there is a normative pressure not to litter. Iv: messy vs. clean parking lot: dv: how many people will litter, usual norm don"t litter, new norm (dirty lot) - everyone else litters, % of people littering in dirty parking lot increases dramatically, *normative influence. Experiment 2: % of people littering. Iv: confederate picks up garbage vs. no behavior: dramatic decrease in amount of littering when confederate is cleaning up, *normative influence. Experiment 3 drisball and muller field exp: conformity and jaywalking if you see someone else jaywalking, will you follow, % jaywalking, confederate behavior.