PSYCH 2C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reciprocal Altruism, Walter Mondale, Visual Search

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Brokaw (reagan 11. 5, mondale 11. 21), rather (r 10. 37, m. 10. 46) , jennings (r17. 44, m13. 38) the closer the more impartial. They called people at random and asked them what news they watched and who they were voting for. They were given a paper to write down anything they thought about the speech, well under a time constraint. The more they were distracted the higher the persuasion level was, the more distracted they were the fewer counterarguments they came up with. Feel 90% related to siblings and goes down afterwards (we care more about people related to us: study 2: scenario study, iv: situation (everyday vs. life or death), other iv: kinship, age, gender, Likelihood of helping ( more likely to help people your related to in ever day scenarios), (a lot more likely to help people your related to in life or death scenario)