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Loftus and palmer (1970s: crash collide study, show participants a quick film of two cars colliding and hitting each other, and then asked how fast was the car going. Smashed: looking at the speed estimates, word used determined a speed. Control group which was not about the speed, but just asked about the speed. Also the higher you speed estimate regardless of which question you were asked, correlates with yes or no to glass. Participant looked at a picture of a room in a house. One asked : did you see a lamp on a table in the room implied there may or may not be a table. Other asked: did you see a lamp on the table in the room implied there was a table. Significant difference when the groups were asked is there a table after a week. So it is easy that the i(cid:374)(cid:448)estigator"s (cid:449)ordi(cid:374)g (cid:272)a(cid:374) deter(cid:373)i(cid:374)e the testi(cid:373)o(cid:374)y gi(cid:448)e(cid:374) (cid:271)y the (cid:449)it(cid:374)ess.