PSYCH 3CC3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Inattentional Blindness, Change Blindness, Eyewitness Identification

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Arthur lee whitefield released from prison in 2003. Two victims identified whitfield as the rapist freed by dna evidence. David gansen charged with rape, kidnapping in 2005 on identification by victim from. Marlon pendleton 1992 rape conviction based on victim identification overturned in. Dr. donald m thompson, australian psychologist, lawyer, and memory expert. Detained (cid:271)(cid:455) poli(cid:272)e i(cid:374) 1975 for rape, (cid:271)ased o(cid:374) (cid:448)i(cid:272)ti(cid:373)"s des(cid:272)riptio(cid:374: when crime occurred, was on television program describing how one could i(cid:373)pro(cid:448)e o(cid:374)e"s (cid:373)e(cid:373)or(cid:455) for fa(cid:272)es. Innocence projects estimates 73% of false convictions based on mistaken eyewitness identification. Many people, begin with the notion that memory is a flawless recording. Ask ucla students, who a lot use apple laptops. 3 sets division: encoding take info in an put it into a format that we can use (visual, verbal (words), storage, retrieval have to find it again. Issues: know you know it, but you cant find the answer.