SOCIOL 4U03 Study Guide - Intersectionality, Visible Minority, Social Indicators Research

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The article temporary employment and social inequality in canada: exploring. Intersections of gender, race and immigration status by sylvia fuller and leah f. Vosko examines the rise of precarious employment in canada and its varying implications on different groups that make up the labour market. The growth of precarious employment can be attributed to trends in moving towards market based employment relationships. Temporary employment is attractive and is seen as a solution to employers who want to deal with demand fluctuations in the market, as well as to avoid employment protections and benefits. In the past, understandings about precarious employment and its implications on gendered and racialized groups have been hampered due the homogenous way that precarious employment has been viewed. The heterogeneity within precarious employment along with combinations of gender, visible minority and immigrant status have resulted in different experiences and rewards in regards to temporary work.