NSCI 324 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hemispatial Neglect, Superior Colliculus, Lesion

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Mt: middle temporal cortex, part of the dorsal stream, part of brain for motion sensitivity, knowing of things are moving is critical for action. V4: part of ventral stream, key critical colour processing centre, adding colour to object vision is critical for perception. Dorsal stream functions: neurons in the dorsal stream exhibit properties that are related to the spatial relationships of objects. At the highest levels in this pathway, visual neurons in the monkey posterior parietal cortex respond preferentially to optic flow. If i am walking, a bird might fly by: these areas have the ability to sort out what was caused by me locomoting and what was moving independent of that. Retinal disparity and binocular depth cues: retinal disparity: difference in location of image between the two eyes, the disparity signal is derived in the extratriate cortex (dorsal stream), this signal is critical for depth perception.