GPHY 227 : GPHY 227; Class Notes .docx

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Explain geography of what you propose to study? (where is it happening) Explain how you will research the question. 1 page single spaced, times new roman, 12. 0 font. Term papers will not be accepted without proposal. December 2nd: last class and course review. In 2000 for the first time, a majority of the worlds population live in cities. Unprecedented rates of urbanization are now occurring. Globalization has enhanced the role and power of selected cities. Helps explain the distribution of towns and cities and the similarities and differences between them. Cities are fundamentally shaped by a host of factors: economic, technological, social, demographic, cultural, environmental and political forces. You can approach urban geography from a global perspective. A global perspective acknowledges the importance of macro- structural factors, but also the relationships between global and locally contingent factors . Organization of the economy and things such a fordism shaping cities and geography.

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