DEVS 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Devs, Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation, Triangular Trade

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What, and where is the third world? what image of. Week 2: the effects of colonialism remain in attitudes today, that fueled residential schools, the indian. Act, forced relocations of indigenous communities, and the criminalization/suppression of. Colonialism was systematic, occurring over many places and thoroughly thought out to ensure that the system stayed in place. Indigenous peoples always rank lower on the human development index than the country itself that they reside in. Although lester b. pearson"s liberal government invested time and money targeting community development projects and less restrictive enfranchisements, it could not fix the problems caused by colonialism. Indian act 1876: political and cultural dimensions, made aboriginal peoples wards of the state , reinforced notion that euro-canadian society considered the native ways inferior, determined who a status indian is. If an indigenous woman married someone without status, she would lose hers. If a white woman married an indigenous man, she would gain status.