POLS 110 Final: Exam-Review-Notes POLS

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Empirical answers to questions: political theory normative, theoretical what ought to be. Identify patterns that generate explanatory theories and explain phenomena, causal relations. Comparing across countries, regions, time periods to reveal similarities and differences: example: south korea in 1960s vs. 1980s economic growth. Quantitative statistical analysis big n (numbers) or large number analysis: is voting behaviour influenced by gender large sample needed. Deductive (begins with theory) versus inductive (start with empirics: mutually constitutive. Rational choice will make decision that will further their own interests. Political culture social collective values and ideas. Institutions structures that constrain and give us meaning. Economic development structures that also cause people to behave in certain ways. Metatheories make assumptions of human world and behaviour: lays foundation for political phenomena specific theories. Samuels, david the foundations of comparative politics. Religion, nationalism, industrialization, democracy, non-democracy, women"s rights, globalization.