POLS 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rationality, Leviathan, Group Selection

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427-347bc old and powerful athenian family founded academy student of socrates. Requires: harmonious interests, homogenous culture, small, assemble and decide on law, administer city, city state is self sufficient. Polemarchus: justice is giving a man his due. Polemarchus: benefit friends and harm enemies response: bad judgement. Socrates: but rule in favour of people so not bad. Round about justice of the city, justice of the soul, how they are related thus only achieve immortality of the soul by structuring yourselves in accordance with what you should do. Both glaucon and thraysmuachus refer to legal posistivism. Justice in the state: society started because we are not self-sufficient- thus cooperate with others labour specialization expansion=war=soldier. Expand society: gold people- ruler, silver- auxilaries thus hierarchy. To ensure rule in best interest: education is for entire development art, literature, strict regulations, abolish private property and family state nurseries, not profit motive, sex regulated to suitable people but disadvantageous women.