PSYC 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Alan Baddeley, Suggestibility, Sound

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PSYC 100 Full Course Notes
PSYC 100 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Structuralism: study of the elements of consciousness: wilhelm wundt first person to call himself psychologist, fechner, von helmholtz, introspection: observe stimuli and describe experiences, analysis: breaking up stuff to understand it as a whole. Functionalism: function of processes: reaction to structuralism because they oppose each other, charles darwin: behaviour/consciousness can be studied as result of adaptation, william james. Behaviouralism: only things that can be studied can be counted as observable behaviour: ivan pavlov, edward thorndike, john b. watson, b. f. skinner. Humanism: looking at the good in people: studying the experiences and creativity of people, everyone is good, carl rogers, abraham maslow. Rationalism: pursuit of truth through logic and reason. Empiricism: all knowledge is obtained through senses and observation: john locke"s tabula rasa, george berkeley"s perception and accumulation of past experiences. Materialism: everything is matter (including mind: james mill: humans and animals are the same.