PSYC 235- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 137 pages long!)

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Fear of re experiencing a traumatic event eg. rape, war. Avoidance of intense feelings of event through emotional numbing. Fear of unwanted and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) Repeated, ritualistic actions/thought (compulsions) designed to neutralize unwanted thoughts. Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance by someone who looks reasonably normal. 1 to 2% in community samples; 2 to 13% in student samples. Anxiety: mood state characterized by (-) affect and somatic symptoms of tension where ppl anticipate future danger or misfortune fearfully; expressed as unease, worried behaviours, physiological responses. Fear: immediate alarm rxn to dangerous situations; present oriented mood state with strong avoidance & sympathetic ns activation: note. Panic: abrupt intense fear with physical symptoms eg. heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness. Panic attacks: situationally bound panic attacks: expected in certain situation and bound to some situations not others. Common in ppl with specific phobias and social phobias: unexpected panic attacks: unanticipated in nature and happen without warning.