RELS 161 Midterm: Term 1 Test Review

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Conflict: science goes against literalist scripture, rejecting arguments, taking sides, misconceptions, typically generated by scientists, both religion and science have conflict, science and religion are irreconcilable. Independence model (stephen jay gould: two silo theory, co exist peacefully, religion and science address different aspects of human experience, both are so different, conflict is impossible, 2 different epistemologies for science and religion. Contact (dialogue: constructive, similarities, topics of mutual interest, try to understand each other, can learn from each other, how does science shape theological understanding, both try to explain the world in their own way, agreement between the two. Integrating both ideas: both science and religion can contribute, god is nature, science explains nature, science makes us more aware of god. In what way can science bring about the reformation of theological doctrines? (creation, consciousness) Galileo brought upon a new way of thinking. Heliocentrism earth orbits around the sun in the centre. Challenged geocentrism that the earth was the centre.