BLG 10A/B Final: BLG 10A – Chapter 11,12,13,14 - Nervous System

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Document Summary

Nervous tissues : made of 2 types of cells : supporting cells called neuroglia (glial) and neurons. Astrocytes: most abundant, they support and brace the neurons and anchor them to their nutrient supply lines. : they monitor the health of the neurons, when they sense an injured neuron they turn into a special type of macrophage and destroy the cell. Ependymal cell: they line the central cavities of the brain and spinal cord form a permeable barrier. Oligodendrocytes: wrap and protect along thicker nerve fibers. : form the myelin sheaths around thicker nerve fibers and all nerve fibers. Neurons: longevity (100 years), amitotic: they do not have the ability to divide, high metabolic rate: require continuous supplies of oxygen and glucose. Soma is the cell body, consist of the normal cell organelles, the rough er in the neurons are the best developed in the body. Neurofibrils: bundles of intermediate filaments, maintain shape and integrity.