BLG 600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Septum Pellucidum, Fourth Ventricle, Median Aperture

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4 Aug 2015

Document Summary

Objectives for chapter 12 the central nervous system. The brain: describe how space constraints affect brain development. Cerebrum: cerebral hemispheres (cortex white matter, basal nuclei) Damage to the cerebellum causes uncoordination: the medulla oblongata is a relay region and also contains centres for cardiovascular regulation and respiration, name and locate the ventricles of the brain. The brain ventricles are continuous with one another and with the central canal of the spinal cord. 2: filled with cerebrospinal fluid and lined by ependymal cells, a type of neuroglia. The paired lateral ventricles, one deep within each cerebral hemisphere, are large c- shaped chambers that reflect the pattern of cerebral growth. Septum pellucidum- transparent wall, the lateral ventricles lie close together separated by this thin median membrane. Each lateral ventricle communicates with the narrow third ventricle in the diencephalon through a channel called an interventricular foramen.