CRM 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Youth Criminal Justice Act, Karla Homolka, Uniform Crime Reports

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Document Summary

Making of laws is the most important, then practices of police. We can commit crimes everyday if police aren"t looking. Based on democracy, we elected our leaders, therefore laws are made that way: legislature (parliament, executive (police, judiciary (courts, the rule of law, equality before the law. High profile cases can lead to biased opinions. (only one perspective) we believe what we hear through the media. Believed criminals are possessed, it is a sin. Women were targeted as well as the poor and the unruly. No one was elected, no process, no reason, showed power, targeted punishment on the body: they were always public. They wanted to show what could happen to you (fear and power) All should be human, equality rights, specifically white men. Classical: put religion aside, has nothing to do with the state. Punishment should outweigh crime: example: trespassed- punishment= .