FNR 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Test, Scientific Method, Neocortex

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Epistemology: science of knowing and justifying beliefs (how knowledge is acquired and validated: knowledge and knowing. Different practical and theoretical applications affect perspective of research. Influenced by feelings understand, describe and observe lived experiences gets close to experiences of others rejects neutrality/ distancing from subjects. Note: subjective is influenced by personal feelings but objective isn"t. Theories: systemic set of related statements to explain something, can result to hypothesis: explains what we see. Concepts: used in theories to explain observations: basic building block of theories. Positivism: use natural sciences to understand human behaviour: society is related to the natural world, determined by objective social facts (avoid bias) The theory of evolution (survival of the fittest) is supported by many scientific disciplines like paleontology, geology, genetics, and developmental biology. The scientific method: mode of inquiry: makes a hypothesis (educated guess) based on scientific laws, philosophy or evidence, proves or disapproves hypothesises through experiments and data collection.