[GEO 110] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (22 pages long)

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Document Summary

Studies relationships: geographical areas, natural systems, society, cultural. Term special refers to nature and character of physical space, its measurement and distribution of things within it. Location, place, region, movement, and human-earth relationship. Sciences are group of disciplines that use scientific method- find out how aspects of the universe work: observe nature/ask questions, hypothesize and predict, experiment and measure. System is any ordered, unrelated set of things and their attributes, linked by flows and energy and matter. Always have inputs, something occurs and output is in a different form. Energy is capacity to change motion of, or to do work on, matter. Input=gas action is driving, energy converts fuel, output is exhaust gases, oil, wastes, etc. Closed system would let car run forever. On earth, sun in our input, it can be stored on earth by photosynthesis. Input+ output of energy of matter: shut off from surrounding so that it is self sustained, closed systems are rare in nature.