GEO 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sustainable Development, Hydrosphere, Scientific Method

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21 Feb 2021

Document Summary

The study of the interaction of all physical and human phenomena at individual places and of how interactions amount places form patterns and organize space. Earth"s human geography (people and their environment) Interdependence of all the about through spatial (space) The nature and character of physical space, its measurement, and the distribution of things within it. Identifies a specific address or absolute and relative position on earth. Describes physical and human characteristics of a location. Communication, migration, and diffusion across earth"s surface. Sustainable growth and water resources are examples. The sciences are a group of disciplines that have a common approach to finding out how aspects of the universe work. Any ordered, interrelated set of things and their attributes, linked by flows of energy and matter. Energy is the capacity to change the motion of, or for the work on matter. A system with inputs of energy or matter and outputs of energy or matter.