GMS 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Glass Ceiling, Intellectual Capital

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GMS 200 Full Course Notes
GMS 200 Full Course Notes
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Chapters 1, 13, 3, 3, 6, and 5. Describe how ____ influence working in the new economy: intellectual capital. Organizations must value the talents and capabilities of a diverse workforce: globalization. Brings increased interdependencies among nations and economies, as customer markets and resource flows create intense business competition: technology changing the nature of work, and increasing the value of knowledge workers, changing nature of careers. Describe how organizations operate as open systems: as open systems, organizations interact with their environment in the process of transforming resource inputs into product and service outputs. Explain productivity as a measure of organizational performance: productivity is a measure of the quality of work performance, with resource cost taken into account. Distinguish between performance effectiveness and performance efficiency: high-performing organizations are both effective, in terms of goal accomplishment, and efficient, in terms of resource utilization. List several ways in which organizations are changing today. List key elements in the general and specific environments of organizations.