GMS 724 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gross National Income, Geographic Names Information System, Purchasing Power Parity

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Chapter 3 - gross national income - part 2. Improving analysis: gni and its offshoots estimate an economy"s absolute performance, they can mislead managers when comparing countries, for example, economic powers like the united states, japan, and. Rate of economic growth: gross figures are a snapshot of one year, they do not measure the rate of change in an indicator. It also indicated business opportunities: for example, china has been one of the fastest growing economies over the past 30 years, averaging double-digit growth for many. It has seen the swiftest, most extensive rise out of poverty in history: commensurately, china"s gni has gone from . 60 trillion in 2000 to. . 700 trillion in 2010: rising income has fueled consumer demand, thereby attracting foreign investment. In comparison, the united states ranked 18th (,360), japan 32nd (,080), brazil 84th (,040), china 125th (,650) and india 154th (,180: gni per capita was ,097 in 2010 up from ,995 in 2007, ,011 and.