ITM 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Open-Source Software, Internet Service Provider, Workflow Management System

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ITM 100 Full Course Notes
ITM 100 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

6-27 (chapter 1: moore"s law, is that computer power (as measured by the maximum number of transistors in an integrated circuit) roughly doubles every 18 months. Moore"s law means more performance at decreasing costs: knowledge of work, which involves the discovery, analysis, transformation, synthesis, and communication of data, information, and knowledge. Information system (is) is an organized collection of people, information, business processes, and information technology (it), designed to transform inputs into outputs, in order to achieve a goal: enhance work, decision making, problem solving, communication and coordination. Information system components: input is items entered into a system to transform them into outputs. adding you friends" contact information: process a series of one or more steps used by a business to transform inputs into outputs. saving contact information into database: output the end result of a process. Information is the result of the transformation of data.