LAW 534 Study Guide - Final Guide: Actus Reus, Regulatory Offence, Due Diligence

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Sometimes used for a presumption - meaning innocent before proven guilty. A presumption is a set of facts that are given to the judge and are assumed to be true until proven otherwise. Indictable - is a more serious of an offence. There will be more procedures in place. The building of the halfway house in canada. Famous landmark case is r. v. sault ste. Marie ( look at this case - very important) . Side note: eg. the ontario government pass law that an asian male cannot become a lieutenant. For one thing that goes against the charter, but it also goes against the rule that on the federal government has control over army. The impact of the charter on regulatory offences. Recall what the charter is about: restrictions on the ability of government to pass laws or exercise power. The charter is the - charter of protections from the government power. Re: motor vehicle act an important principle.