LAW 603 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canadian Cancer Society, Share Capital, Legal Personality

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Required reading for law 603 first test impotant need to use to pass 1st test. Both charitable and non-profit organizations operate on a non-profit basis in that both must devote all of their resources to their activities and neither may distribute any of their income to their members, officers, directors or trustees. Four categories of charities in canadian law are relief of poverty, advancement of education, advancement of religion and other purposes beneficial to the community not falling under any of the preceding heads. An organization with the objectives and activities that fall into four categories above will qualify as a registered charity by ita. A registered charity takes can take on one of these three legal forms, a charitable organization, a public foundation or a private foundation. No they cant be ita clearly states that for its purposes non-profit organizations and charities are two mutually exclusive categories of organizations.