MHR 522 Study Guide - Final Guide: Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement, Swot Analysis, Industrial Unionism

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Note: the final exam is cumulative, although greater emphasis will be placed on topics from the second half of the course. This list is not exhaustive and should only serve as a guideline to assist you in preparing for the final exam. History and philosophy of the labour movement in canada. You should be able to: discuss the rational or need for unionization from the perspective of the wal, cite some of the unionization attempts of various wal-mart stores in canada. Reaching a collective agreement and third party intervention in bargaining. Unions and the future of ir in canada. Discuss the sources of union power and comment on how any/all of these may have changed over the past few decades. Discuss the impact of unions on the employee; the firm and society. Discuss the impact of globalization on the current labour movement in. Understand the importance of economic inequality in canada and how this may/may not influence the labour movement.