[MHR 523] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 100 pages long Study Guide!
Document Summary
Chapter 1 - the strategic role of human resources. Fredrick taylor was the driving force behind the process of scientifically analyzing manufacturing processes, reducing production costs and compensation employees based on their performance. Management practices int he late 1800s and early 1900s emphasized task simplification and performance-based pay. Mary parker follett did not share this view and advocated the use of self- management, cross functional cooperation, empowerment and managers as leaders not dictators. The human resources movement: concern for people and productivity human resources movement: a management philosophy focusing on concern for people and productivity. Phase 1 early 1900s hrm was called personnel administration and played a very minor role. Personnel administrators assumed responsibility for hiring and firing, ran the payroll department, and administered benefits and their job was ensuring that procedures were followed. Phase 2 as the scientific management movement gained momentum, operational efficiency increased but wage increases did not keep up, causing workers to distrust management.