NSE 11A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Long-Term Care, Family Caregivers

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Identify formal and informal caregivers: the difference is formal caregivers are compensated for their provided care work ( either public, private compensation or both. Explore the roles / stresses of formal & informal caregivers. Roles: direct continuous personal care, e. g. hygiene, feeding, dressing, safety, providing transportation to appointments, activities for the client, helping with activities such as house work, providing psychosocial and emotional support, financial support. 1. direct care to meet the holistic needs of the client. 2. indirect client care for those living with family caregivers through support of family: supporting the family members as well as the client. 3. advocating for client and family with and for other health care services, e. g homemaking, social assistance, counseling, medicine, pharmaceutical needs. 4. advocating for client with family around issues of protection and freedom. Discuss caregiver strategies for alleviating stress & promoting health. Strategies to alleviate stress for informal caregiver ( but also formal)