NSE 12A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Therapeutic Relationship, Professional Boundaries

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Document Summary

Therapeutic relationship: a professional, interpersonal alliance in which the nurse and client join together for a defined period to achieve health-related treatment goals. Has professional boundaries that have to be maintained. Imbalance of power between the professional and client. Supporting clients and families to accurately understand the clients personalized experience of an illness. Providing emotional and informational support to help clients and their families make informed decisions. Ultimate goal is to promote client health and well-being. Helper takes responsibility for the conduct of the relationship and for maintaining appropriate boundaries. Both parties have equal responsibility for the conduct of the relationship. Relationship has a specific purpose and a health-related goal. Relationship may or may not have a specific purpose or goals. Relationship terminates when the identified goal is met. Relationship can last a lifetime or terminate without goal achievement. Focus of the relationship is on needs of the helpee. The needs of both partners should receive equal attention.