NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Respiratory Sounds, Snellen Chart, Urology

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26 Jan 2016

Document Summary

Nse 13b- assessment of healthy individual: week 12 objectives. Class and lab objectives: discuss the principles of a complete health assessment. General health state and obvious physical characteristics. Temperature: demonstrate a head to toe sequence. Skin: uniformly tan-pink in colour, warm, dry, intact; turgor good, no lesions, birthmarks, or edema. Head: normocephalic, no lesions, scaling, parasites, or tenderness. Eyes: acuity by snellen chart, pupillary light response, grade pupils. Ears: pinna has no mass, lesions, scaling, discharge, or tenderness to palpation. Nose: no deformities or tenderness to palpation, nares patent, mucosa pink, no lesions. Mouth: mucosa and gingivae pink, no lesions or bleeding. Neck: neck supple with full rom. Spine and back: normal spinal profile, no scoliosis, no tenderness over spine, no cva tenderness. Inspect thorax, skin, symmetry of shoulders and muscles. Palpate temperature, lumps, tenderness, moisture, tactile fremitus. Inspect thorax, respirations, characteristics, facial expression, loc, skin. Palpate temperature, tenderness, lumps, moisture, tactile fremitus.