NSE 21A/B Midterm: Theory Week 1 Stress ( Winter)

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Frank: p. 14 & 15: to define the concept. Stress: a non- specific response of the body to any demand made on it, a subjective condition ( like pain and grief, stress occurs when individuals perceive that they cannot adequately cope with demands being made on. It is what the affected person says it is them or when their well-being is threatened: these stress-inducing demands known as stressors. Examples of stress: a women becomes depressed and refuses to participate in normal self-care after a laparoscopic hysterectomy. However, the pt. is relieved b/c for weeks she has been worrying that her symptoms were related to terminal cancer. Stressors can be: events, factors, stimuli"s, physiological or emotional-psychological, positive or negative. Daily hassles: experiences and conditions of daily living that are viewed as irritating, frustrating, and distressing, the frequency and intensity of daily hassles have a stronger relationship with somatic illness than do major life events.