POL 128 Quiz: 13PolInFilmSampleTest1.rtf

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Document Summary

The grade weight of this test is 20% of your final grade in this course. Please read with care the instructions below regarding the multiple choice questions and the short answer question you will encounter in the exam (and make certain that you read each question carefully before responding): Make sure you print and sign your name (like you do on the attendance sheet in each class) at the top right of the front page of this exam. Read each question with care, making sure that you understand what is being asked and, in the case of the multiple choice questions, take equal care with reading what your various choices are. Select the answer you believe to be the most accurate of the choices offered and then circle the letter (not the entire answer) at the left of your selected answer. In some instances, there may be two or more answers that are correct, but do not circle.