PSY 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypnagogia, Visual Cortex, Visual Acuity

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Create a periodic table of elements of consciousness (eg. sensations) Application of evolutionary theory in modern psychology. Identify the functions or purposes of psychological characteristics such as thoughts, feelings, Psychology should focus on observable behaviour, nothing else. Human behaviour could be explained by external variables (rewards, and punishments). Psychology built only on the study of rewards and punishments will never be adequate. We learn through developing insight into underlying nature of problems. Primary influences on behaviour aren"t external forces as behaviourism suggested. Shifted focus on internal, unconscious process that control our behaviour (drives) Examine the extent to which two variables are associated. Positive: as one variable increases, so does the other. Negative: as one variable increases, the other decreases. Zero: no systematic relationship between the variables. An association between variables doesn"t necessarily mean one causes the other. Only one were you can make a causal statement. Randomly assign half to non-violent games, half to play violent games.