PSY 105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Anxiety Disorder, Mental Disorder, Dorothea Dix

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17 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Deviance people who think/act differently than society not necessarily a disorder. Statistical rarity psychopathy is rare, but super creative is not an illness just creative: super uncommon some mental illnesses are common ironic. Subjective distress subject"s own admission to psychological distress: behaviours, ideas, emotions usually must cause distress or unhappiness. Dysfunction / impairment most mental disorders interfere with everyday life: social isolation, work problems, school conflicts, but not all conditions that interfere are mental disorders such as sleep. Danger when people become dangerous to themselves or others hostile or confused: danger is a sign but most disorders are not dangerous. The dsm-5 diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder dsm currently on 5 th edition has criteria for mental disorder 18 different classes of disorders contains diagnotics tools and decision rules for each condition. Warns to think organic rule out physical causes of symptoms first contains info on prevalence.