QMS 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Null Hypothesis, Statistical Parameter, Statistic

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Null hypothesis: oten one of status quo and is ideniied by the symbol h0. For example, the null hypothesis is that illing process is working properly, and therefore the mean ill is the 368 gram speciicaion provided by oxford cereals: this is stated as h0: = 368. Even though informaion is available only from the sample, the null hypothesis is stated in terms of the populaion parameter because your focus is on the populaion of all cereal boxes (from the example). The null hypothesis, h0 is always referred to a speciied value of the populaion parameter (such as ), not a sample staisic. The null hypothesis h0 may or may not be rejected. Begin with the assumpion that the null hypothesis is true. Rejected when there"s enough evidence from the sample data that the null hypothesis is false. Alternaive hypothesis: the opposite of the null hypothesis and is ideniied by h1.