GEOG 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fixed Capital, Multiple Choice, Atlantic Slave Trade

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24 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Mutual interdependence, but on unequal terms a systematic rendering of the earth"s surface (which is curved) onto a flat surface. Between 1870 and 1900 european countries added more than 25 million square kms and 150 million to their spheres of control. the market system, which determines distribution, allocation, resources, and establishes income, wages, rents and profits. A. maps represent the spatial distribution of particular things - e,g population, temperature. They can use a variety of devices - e. g. isolines (like a contour) that connects places of equal data, or proportional symbols (size of population shown by proportional circles) Location, distance, space, accessibility, spatial interaction: factory system. Created the word geography: thematic maps the study of geographic phenomena in terms of their arrangement as points, lines, areas, or surfaces on a map. Fixed mathematically - e. g. sfu: 49 16 45 n; 122 54 31 w.