GEOG 111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multiple Choice, Scantron Corporation, Centimorgan

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Document Summary

The midterms in geog 111 are designed to be written in ~30-45 minutes, but you will have a full hour in which to write them. Exams will be written in the second half of the class for which they are scheduled (the first half of the class will be a normal lecture). The exam will consist of ~30 multiple choice questions and several diagram-based question where you will be asked to redraw/label and explain a diagram we have studied in class. The only material you need to write this exam is a pencil, eraser and your brain. Communication with other students during the exam, using materials not allowed or otherwise disrupting the exam will result in a failing grade for the examination. For information on what constitutes exam disallowed activities, please see sfu policy 4. 1. 2 under the following link: http://www. sfu. ca/policies/gazette/student/s10-01. html.