HSCI 100 Study Guide - Natural Killer Cell, Adrenal Medulla, Menstrual Cycle

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Macrophages & neutrophils defend against pathogens by phagocytizing pathogens. Complement proteins punch holes in plasma membrane causing cell to burst. Inflammatory response may be initiated by the release of chemicals such as histamine by damaged cells. Pathogen breaches body"s surface inflammatory response next step. Immediate function of histamine = decrease systemic blood pressure. T & b cells = types of lymphocytes. Cell mediated response = macrophages digest antigen to break up components which then bound by and presented to cell surface for removal. Posterior pituitary doesn"t manufacture hormones but stores hormones produced elsewhere. Level of thyroxine in blood regulated by thyroxine & tsh inhibit secretion of trh. Adrenal medulla takes orders directly from brain through nerve waves. Fsh first to increase significantly every 28 days, initiating ovarian cycle. Lh initiates dev of specialized cells in ovaries of woman & triggers androgen production by testes in men. Peak in lh triggers ovulation around the 14th day of monthly cycle.