REM 100 Study Guide - Soil Retrogression And Degradation, Green Manure, Soil Fertility

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Method for food production: expand the area of agriculture. More land into operation: expand per hectare production in agricultural exporting countries. Increase industrial agriculture productivity in developed countries using pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation techniques. Global warming (fertilizers and fossil fuel use) Causes: water/wind erosion, waterlogging & salinity, compaction and crusting, acidification and toxic pollution. Loss of soil fertility (b/c of nutrient depletion) Increase self-reliance b/w farmers and equity for access to productive assets. Emphasis on integrated production system that include conservation. Pesticides reduce beneficial species worms, pollinators. Plants weakened more vulnerable to pests more pesticides. Run-off from fields contain salt, fertilizers and pesticides into streams/rivers. Green revolution: first component of g. revolution: * does not distinguish between b/w species: second component of g. revolution, new seeds from cross breeding were used. Goats that produce less saturated fatty acids in milk. Saturated fatty acids cardiovascular disease and stroke: wheat (norman borlaug) Saved >1 bill from starvation in 3rd/2nd world countries.